Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Day 36

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 35-{5 weeks old}

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 34

Smiling at Mormor

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 33

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 32

Sleeping at your first Airshow

Friday, August 26, 2011

Eli-Day 31 {1 month old}

*melt* I love both of my boys so much!!

Dear Eli,
Your first month. What a month it has been! To be honest it’s been pretty hard at times. Being a Mommy of two babies is challenging. Sometimes you are both needing my attention at the same time...and I’m still learning how to take care of you both. Not sleeping is hard, but I know that you will learn that sleeping is a wonderful thing very soon. 
You are a sweet little baby Eli. Your nickname is Peeps because you make the funniest little sqeaks, peeps and what we like to call the “Jake brake”. The Jake brake is really funny, you’ll be very quiet an all of a sudden make a “eh eh eh eh ehhhh” noise. It’s hard to type it, but hopefully we will get it on video soon. :) You look very different from Reid, and I think I can tell already that you act different also. 
You can hold your head up really well and want to see our faces. You tolerate Reid’s hugs and kisses pretty well, with an occasional scream for a hug that’s too tight. You love to be swaddled and hate to have your diaper changed. 
These are the things you have mastered in your first month of life: Eating, eating, eating, eating, pooping, furrowing your brow like your Mormor, kicking, flailing your arms, standing up when we hold you upright, making noises that were mentioned above, looking at the mobile Mommy made for you and only waking up 1 or 2 times to eat in the night (most of the time). You have also started to “coo”, which is so cute!
Daddy and I love you more and more as each day passes.We are enjoying getting to know you and look forward to seeing what your personality will be like. I pray that you will grow to love God one day. You have a fun future ahead of you with a brother who can’t wait for you to be able to play with him. You are a blessing and a sweet reminder that God is so good to us. You are a gift and we want to cherish each moment we have with you.
I love you,
Your Mommy

Reid-{14 months old}

Dear Reid,
Happy 14 month birthday! We have seen this grow in you when we brought Eli home. The way you love your brother is pretty fantastic. You want to kiss and hug him and look at all his different parts. You make the cutest noises when you hear or see him. You love to make him wave hi and bye. You are an awesome little boy to be around. Your personality is so sweet and loving. 
This past month in bullets:
  • You learned to sign “more”
  • You learned to sign “please” (sometimes)
  • You regularly sign “all done” now
  • You moved into a new car seat and you get to sit forwards now, you love this.
  • You are pretty much running now instead of walking
  • You “read” books. Usually it sounds like this, “duckaduckaducka, tick i tick i, brrrr”
  • You love to play at the playground. We go to the Eastern Prom playground a lot.
  • You suck your thumb and play with your belly button when you are tired.
  • You now have 12 teeth. The top molars made their appearance this month
  • You can almost pull yourself up onto the couch
  • You don’t really want to eat much. We are told it’s normal...but I can’t wait until you’ll eat what I make for dinner. :)
  • You are seriously addicted to crackers.
Oh, and how could I forget!?! You had your first trip to the ER! We were at camp for the weekend and you burned your hand on the grill. I am proud of how well you handled being at the ER, the first hour at camp was awful. You didn't stop crying until we were driving to the ER...then you fell asleep. I hope we don't go through that again for a very long time.

I love being your Mama and I am getting used to taking care of you and Eli, at the same time. :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Eli-Day 30

{Embrace the camera} August 25th

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Eli-Day 29

Mr. Blue Eyes

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Eli-Day 28 {4 weeks}

Monday, August 22, 2011

Eli-Day 27

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Eli-Day 26

Your first boat ride at camp.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reid's first trip to the ER

This weekend we stayed at camp to relax and enjoy the warm weather.
We invited our friends over for dinner and while we were cooking
the hamburgers, Reid touched the grill.
His right hand was burnt pretty badly.
We couldn't get him to calm down and from what we could tell
from Google, he had 2nd degree burns.
We decided that we needed to go to the ER.
He fell asleep on the way over and I carried him in to the ER,
half asleep. We were brought to a room to wait while Steve
filled out paper work etc. 
By the time we were seen, Reid was acting more like himself.
He liked that we let him play with the remote and he chowed down 
on crackers, since he hadn't eaten dinner.
He was a champ....he didn't like it when the DR put the bandage on
but once she stopped touching him, he kind of liked the "club" on his hand.
We left after about 2 hours at the hospital and went back to camp
to feed Reid some oatmeal and go to bed. 
We were exhausted.
Reid was exhausted.
Eli just slept the whole time....well apart from a couple of meals in the ER.


Eli-Day 25

You know...
just chillin out in the stroller,
in the ER.
Waiting for Reid's hand to get looked at.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Eli-Day 24


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Eli-Day 23

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Eli-Day 22

Chillin with Auntie Elise

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Eli-Day 21 {3 weeks}

Monday, August 15, 2011

Eli-Day 20

Trying to recreate a picture I took of Reid at 3 weeks old...



Sunday, August 14, 2011

Eli-Day 19

A visit to camp

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Eli-Day 18

Sleeping at the playground

Reid signing oh no while swinging,
I love his

Friday, August 12, 2011

Eli-Day 17

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Eli-Day 16

We went to camp to pick blueberries and enjoy the ocean.
Eli was very content being swaddled in the stroller.

Sometimes I still can't believe we are a family of 4.

{Embrace the camera} August 11th

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Eli-Day 15

Eli went on his first trip to Starbucks...and he slept the whole time. 

Reid loves to play Daddy's drums...he finally discovered the cymbal.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Eli-Day 14 {2 weeks}

Monday, August 8, 2011

Eli-Day 13

Meeting "Auntie" Elise

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Eli-Day 12

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Eli-Day 11

On a walk with Mormor and Papa G while
Mama and Dada went on a date.
 I love your smile.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Eli-Day 10

Meeting Great Grandma Irish
Meeting Auntie Crystal
and meeting Uncle Rick